I am a doctor of preventative medicine. I believe personal training and exercise physiology helps people steer straight on a path of wellness- denser bone structure, quicker metabolism, deeper respiration, positive mental outlook. My belief is that combining fitness with diet is the key to success in living a life. Or as Cross Fit would say, "Sucking less at life"
My opinions on diet are the opposite of most paleolithic, beef-jerky obsessing Cross Fitters...I am a strict vegetarian. My meals consist of only plants and plant-based foods. Personally, I have had incredible success with this diet. It has been over 12 years now, and this year I will be competing nationally in a contest for best men's physique. It works, if done right.
There is a film about this diet.
My good friends in Banana Slugs For Animals at UC Santa Cruz are hosting this film for FREE this Tuesday, May 29th.
UC Santa Cruz Campus:
Stevenson Event Center
It is located at Stevenson College next to the Stevenson Coffee House
6pm Tuesday, May 29th
After the event Dr. John McDougall will be skyping with us to give a presentation and answer anyone's questions.
Cafe Gratitude will be donating food as well!
Just to make your taste buds swell a little- this was the picture on the homepage of Forks Over Knives. The description of the film is:
FORKS OVER KNIVES examines the profound claim that most, if not all, of the degenerative diseases that afflict us can be controlled, or even reversed, by rejecting our present menu of animal-based and processed foods. The major storyline in the film traces the personal journeys of a pair of pioneering yet under-appreciated researchers, Dr. T. Colin Campbell and Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn.
These discoveries inspired Campbell and Esselstyn, who didn’t know each other yet, to conduct several groundbreaking studies. One of them took place in China and is still among the most comprehensive health-related investigations ever undertaken. Their research led
them to a startling conclusion: degenerative diseases like heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and even several forms of cancer, could almost always be prevented—and in many cases reversed—by adopting a whole-foods, plant-based diet. Despite the profound implications of their findings, their work has remained relatively unknown to the public.
The filmmakers travel with Drs. Campbell and Esselstyn on their separate but similar paths, from their childhood farms where they both produced “nature’s perfect food”; to China and Cleveland, where they explored ideas that challenged the established thinking and shook their own core beliefs.
The idea of food as medicine is put to the test. Throughout the film, cameras follow “reality patients” who have chronic conditions from heart disease to diabetes. Doctors teach these patients how to adopt a whole-foods plant-based diet as the primary approach to treat their ailments—while the challenges and triumphs of their journeys are revealed.
for more information, please visit:
My personal vested interest in this film is that everyone in my animal rights AND health and wellness communities is ranting and raving about it, so I am very much looking forward to my first chance to see it. Also, this blog entry is the best I can do for outreach to get the public (you, my readers, my friends) to check this out. I am a proud Banana Slug For Animals alumni and have been known to go to a protest or two of theirs from time to time.
Santa Cruz McCruelty Protest
(we protest McDonald's for their disastrous effects on children/obesity and treatment of animals)
I would really and truly appreciate anyone from the Santa Cruz area's support by attending this fantastic FREE screening on Tuesday, enjoying delicious vegan fare from Cafe Gratitude (local all organic restaurant), and educating yourself on how to stay healthy and help the environment and our fellow sentient beings.
I mean, it's free.
...every other theater costs $10.50
......I don't even teach any fitness classes on Tuesdays-- come to Billy Bad Ass Cardio Kickboxing on Monday and Wednesdays...your Tuesdays can be movie night :)
Please think of coming. I will be driving from the Santa Cruz downtown area (very close to Santa Cruz Power Fitness) and would be happy to carpool/give rides to anyone interested in coming along. Hope you'll join us.
Thinking of your health,
Billy Bad Ass
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